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Peso semipesado Division


"The Gorilla"

Brendson Ribeiro

Peso semipesado Division

16-7-0 (W-L-D)


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Gana por Sumisión


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Brendson Ribeiro

Récord del Atleta


Learn more about Brendson Ribeiro's UFC history, fighter facts, and Q&A below.

Ciudad natal
Belem do Para, Brazil
Estilo de lucha
Debut del octágono
Feb. 17, 2024
Alcance de la pierna
  • Pro since 2015
  • Nine wins by KO, six by submission (4 guillotine, armbar, undisclosed submission)
  • 11 first-round finishes
  • Has won four of his last six
  • In fourth pro fight in 2015 submitted future DWCS / UFC fighter Antonio Arroyo in the first round 
  • Origin of nickname: “I got this nickname in my hometown of Belém do Pará. They called me the gorilla of the Amazon, but it ended up being ‘The Gorilla.’”

UFC Fight Night (11/2/24) Ribeiro won a three round split decision over Caio Machado

FC on ABC (6/22/24) Ribeiro lost a three round majority decision to Magomed Gadzhiyasulov

UFC 298 (2/17/24) Ribeiro was knocked out Zhang Mingyang at 1:41 of the first round 


Dana White's Contender Series, Season 7

Episode five (9/5/23) Ribeiro knocked out Bruno Lopes at 3:47 of the first round

When and why did you start training for fighting? I started training in 2011. It wasn't me who chose the fight, it was the fight that chose me. When I made my debut in MMA, I fought in place of a friend who got hurt and I won the fight by knockout in the second round.

What ranks and titles have you held? I am 2x Paraense Wrestling Champion, and I am current champion of the Shooto Brasil event in the light heavyweight category.

Do you have any heroes? My mother and my grandmother and my grandfather

What does it mean for you to fight in the UFC? Fulfillment of a dream come true!

What was your job before you started fighting? I worked as a security guard and in the fields with my family.

Favorite grappling technique: Guillotine

Favorite Striking technique: Muay Thai